Methods getting a bigger penis

Despite the fact that the vast majority of the professionals and the women themselves claim that the size of a man's penis doesn't matter (if it's not, to be completely serious deviations in both directions), rarely a man happy, who the size of his cock.

I want a bigger, thicker, that's why I was jealous, and the women on the sexual adventures, exploits in bed, legends, songs. It's obvious bullshit. And the silly, as we all know, "the gods, to fight the powerless."

So, we try to clarify the question, is it possible to increase male member?

If the answer is quite categorically, and without too much detail, the answer is – Oh, happiness! positive. If details of the methods, the growth of a member is divided into two groups – surgical and non-surgical (physical and pharmaceutical).

Surgical methods

how to increase your member

The penis enlargement surgery is possible, the goal of lengthening and thickening. Operation lengthening of the penis occurs without injury (straight or Y-shaped scar length 3 cm) as well as to reduce the packaging of the muscles that hold the upper member in the position of the several changes that begin to appear in the pubic bone, lower. Of course, to the penis erection is slightly different horizontally. Lengthening of the penis as a result of such an operation may be the inch four.

The simplest way is to increase the thickness of the penis, to transplant fatty tissue under the skin of the patient, which take, for example, the area of the hips. Then this fat (200 ml), purified and injected under the skin. After which the members placed a special bandage that should be worn all week.

During the operation, the skin under the penis of the introduction of excessive amounts of fat, since most of the body to understand, to process. But even after a week, a single penis enlargement does not happen, then a lot longer.

The surgery was such a "quarantine" abstinence from sexual intercourse for a period of 5-6 weeks. In the worst case, the effect of the operation of the thickening members disappear after six months, the best case remains for many years.

The success or failure of the surgery, the surgery greatly depends on the experience and the skill of the surgeon.

The prosthesis of the penis in the case of serious diseases is also solved with the surgery, but here can not be taken into account.

Pharmaceutical methods

The Modern pharmaceutical industry is a fairly large list of food Supplements and creams to increase the penis better blood supply to the penis, the cavernous bodies, which trigger a small increase.

All such drugs is a complex effect, so the patient has seen a steady increase in the sexual desire, but the more pronounced, and the long-term erection, a strong, bright orgasm, to the exclusion of early (rapid) ejaculation, disappear the symptoms of prostate inflammation, the disease is not disguised, but it healed.

Plus, it will significantly increase your self-esteem, to the effect that the drugs physiological in nature.

The minimum duration of the drugs of plant origin – 4 months 1-2 tablets twice a day, but not more than 6.

Natural ingredients medications allow six months to increase by a quarter the volume, and the length of the penis, as well as significantly improve the quality, frequency of sexual intercourse. Contraindications (except individual intolerance) are not identified.

Physical methods of penis enlargement

Physical methods, including manual manipulation of the penis to increase, is quite diverse:

• Extension – special provisions all the time-gun, a member of the long-term tensile load, increasing cell division and increasing length, thickness of penis; in reality, this method is not in doubt, since the mechanism is exactly like the extreme piercing of the earlobe;

• Manual therapy, massage of the penis – the ancient method of penis enlargement, not to be confused with Masturbation. A number of techniques jelqing, all based on stretching, deep massage intensive, which increases the blood flow to the penis and growth. It requires a fairly average, time-consuming procedures;

vacuum pump or the pump of the penis work by placing a cylinder of a certain rarefaction of the air, which can be achieved with significant swelling of the penis, the blood flow, which stimulates the cell growth and the gradual consolidation of the effect. Should warn her about what to do with this device it is necessary without fanaticism, increasing the load on the member states gradually;

the technique of the "dress" – a relatively rare method of penis enlargement by hanging through compensatory dressing a certain weight to the head of the penis, this stretching of the penis and the corpus cavernous have a similar effect to using the extender, but here the load more serious.

Finally, it should be noted that those who wish to increase the member states are the best to start with pharmacological methods consultation of andrologist. Don't forget that the size is likely to still have value, but not women, to increase their own self-esteem. But the women, the most important thing– to be loved!