Smoking is now the youth begins at a very young age, sometimes the first experience, still in high school. First, it is the work for the sake of the feat, the boys flaunt in front of their peers, prove their "adulthood". Then the pleasure is addictive, and it becomes a habit for many years. When middle-age begins, erectile dysfunction, there are a few people who connects the concept of Smoking, as well as the potency on a unit, it is assumed that these years also irreparable harm men's health.

Non-Smoking potency
Violation of the erectile function in the face of young smokers. The danger of nicotine, even in small quantities, leads to vasoconstriction and decreased circulation. Even 2-3 cigarettes, which are smoked before intercourse, can trigger a slow erection.
Impotence is directly related to the effects of nicotine exposure. And menthol included in the composition of certain tobacco products, increase the load on the circulatory system, obstructing blood flow, including to the penis.
The composition of the tobacco smoke includes more than 5 thousand parts, 60 of them have a negative impact on the performance. The most dangerous:
- carbon monoxide;
- benzene;
- the hydrogen sulfide;
- resin;
- ammonia;
- hydrogen-cyanide acid.
The action of the most part not been studied, therefore, to say that the rest of it is harmless, it wouldn't be bad. Manufacturers of tobacco products quiet, if the damage caused by cigarettes.
How it works
The nicotine released from the man's body caused by a number of negative consequences:
- hinder the blood circulation in the penis;
- it reduces the blood pressure of the penis;
- contributing to the atherosclerosis;
- reducing the production of testosterone.
The passive Smoking is no less harm to the body than the active.
The effect of Smoking herb (hashish, marijuana)
Love to smoke the "pot" claim that it enhances libido and sexual performance in men. The truth is, of course. It's easy to explain. The fact that the penis of many receptors able to respond to the components of marijuana. Taking place in the body chemical reaction in the moment to increase the ability to orgasm is achieved.
But it's true, the fact that the increase over time is replaced by reduced libido. Known cases, when the orgasm was accompanied by unbearable pain in the genitals.
The truth about the effects of herbs:

- Cannabinoids is found in the grass, permanently destroy the mental health, prevent the blunt force of the operating mechanism.
- The level of testosterone decreases reproductive function is deteriorating.
- The sperm count decreases, then becomes inactive.
- The function of the testicles dies, then getting a smaller size, changing the density.
- Blood vessels to constrict, the blood circulation and frequent congestion.
The smoke and potency myths
Argued that impotence is a beach for people suffering from addictions, such as addiction to alcohol, the cigarettes. However, this is a very common misconception. Even those who maintain a healthy lifestyle, never held a cigarette in his hand, not drinking alcoholic beverages, it can fail the during sexual intercourse.
This is due to the fact that impotence has many causes, provoking the factors. For example, psychological phobias, fears, negative environment, or diseases of the urogenital system.
Therefore, the rejection of bad habits is not a guarantee of return on man power, it is important to know the background of the problem, to successfully solve.
The quality of the sperm
Among the complications caused by products of Smoking in the male body is, perhaps, the most serious reduction in the quality indicator, the sperm. More specifically, the Smoking:
- reduces sperm density, changing its composition;
- contributes to the poor sperm quality;
- reduces the activity destroys the sperm.
Changes in the male body, affect reproductive function, reduces to zero the probability of the fertilization of the female partner. If the conception happens, then it is likely that the fetus will be diagnosed with developmental disorders, in addition, it may be that disturbances in the different body systems.
Exposed to hydrogen-cyanide acid resin, sperm, smoking, or destroyed, and cease to be active, although the people are different from each other, good health, the recovery process is approximately three months. Another important point is that the pernicious attachment to the snuff provokes a reduction of the androgens, which are directly associated with erectile function.
Scientific studies demonstrate that the relationship between the potency of men and the number of cigarettes smoked them. In accordance with the results of the examination of the American citizens, the daily rate of 20 cigarettes, the probability of impotence increases by more than half.
Other experiments show that components of cigarette smoke have lower quality sperm that can fertilize the egg by 75%. It is for this reason that doctors recommend to avoid cigarettes those who are planning kids and a normal family.
Research poles, Czechs confirmed that Smoking 1 pack a day, man, it reduces to twice the duration of, frequency of sexual contact. This statement is true for the stronger age from 30 to 45 years.
Smoking is strictly prohibited for those who are diagnosed with disease of the respiratory system:
- bronchial asthma;
- bronchitis, the chronic form;
- pulmonary fibrosis.
Certain other diseases:
- diabetes;
- cardiovascular disease;
- the high blood pressure.
How quitting Smoking affects men's health
In the United States, scientists have studied the disease, erectile function due to Smoking. It turns out that a fair number of teachers diagnosed with diabetes type 2 diabetes. However, the most amazing thing was that they were together, almost the same number of cigarettes per day. We are talking about two packs.
The study of the consequences of quitting, if you have problems of a sexual nature, the experiment was designed in which the man is obliged to refrain from Smoking for six weeks. Upon the expiration of the one-third of subjects recorded improvement in erectile function related to stop Smoking. Medical treatment to get rid of the nicotine addiction is not necessary.

From this can we draw from clear conclusion that the quality of sex life representative of the stronger greatly improve, if you give up the habit. This method remains the only possible cure for impotence which has been caused by the effect of the nicotine products. In all other cases, medicine is powerless to change anything.