How it works hemorrhoids potency, the men in the relationship

The disease brings a lot of discomfort, discomfort, but in addition, it affects the reproductive system. How hemorrhoids, potency, hemorrhoids affect your efficiency, how to improve the chances of people cure are the main issues in the article.

the men potency

Is there a link between hemorrhoids and potency?

Most important question: "will the hemorrhoids, men the potency?", as a quality sexual life is an important part of every person's life. According to some experts, the presence of hemorrhoids is reflection of the men's sexual health. In fact, the negative effects really occur.

The initial appearance of hemorrhoids is the effect on the body, as well as the discomfort goes unnoticed. Negative feelings are written down at least the surrounding factors: "spent", "undernourished", or hope to remedy the problem. At this stage, the person will not feel any effect of hemorrhoids the potency, he is able to be fully sexually active. During aggravation of an inflammatory reaction there is a tangible pain that you can't bear it.

In the process, the sex of the perineum, groin. The appearance of hemorrhoidal disease advancing the pain, like muscle tension. This phenomenon inevitably leads to psycho-emotional impact on the health of men. Because the pain comes the deterioration of an erection, decreased libido. Sometimes coming to a complete termination of erection.

In addition, the disease reduces the immune system, affecting other organs of the urogenital system, which increased the risk of disease. The appearance, the development of prostatitis, BPH inevitably come the diseases of the human body, which affects the reproductive system.

Taking into account the above presented information is easy to understand, hemorrhoids potency. The effect is extremely negative. Sexual act the man is not pleasure, satisfaction cause severe discomfort. The men don't fall in depression, lethargy potency of the normal condition, the who the presence of the disease.

How hemorrhoids affect sexual life?

Consideration shall be given to the linked hemorrhoids, urinary tract system, it is necessary to delve into the pathological processes in the onset of disease. The disease is an indirect effect on potency, because from the anus to the genitals, the inflammation will not be transmitted.

Erection deterioration due to the negative feelings, when muscle tension in the dam. Individual libido in men is reduced, in addition to the spiritual impotence.

How this affects the hemorrhoids the men, if the disease is not directly affected by the erectile dysfunction:

problems with potency
  • pain to the process of sex, especially at the moment of orgasm;
  • leads to emotional disorders. Because the pain that a man experiences fear, the tension, as we know, the fear of the enemy, erection;
  • you can provoke disorder in the urinary system, which includes the sexual function;
  • negative impact on the function of the gastrointestinal tract, it is associated with constipation. The stomach and the rectum has a significant impact on all areas of human life.

When the infliction of pain during sex, the man faced with the disappointment that provokes the desire to avoid the shame, the pain, the bad memories. Over time, often develops the desire to avoid the sexual intercourse, but the sex word, but it is rare. The psychological side of the problem plays a large role, and that neglect of this area impossible.

It is obvious that the hemorrhoids affect the efficiency adversely, strong enough.

What steps are needed to improve the potential of hemorrhoids?

The primary action recommended in all patients – this is an appeal to the doctor. The doctor performs the diagnosis of the human condition, as well as helping you find the way out. The rehabilitation for many people sufficient to eliminate the pain, but for others – you have to work with the psychologist.

All patients proctologist requires a lifestyle change, diet. Nutrition therapy in the treatment of chronic diseases, is critical.

Consider such eating habits:

  • to add to the buckwheat diet, fish, meat specialities, honey, potatoes, cauliflower, use plenty of water – up to 2 liters a day;
  • excluded from the diet, mustard, legumes, peppers, spicy food, black bread.

For more details diet will help your dietitian. Diet is designed to normalize the process of defecation, as it is important to have a smooth bowel movement.

Important recommendation complies with the high hygiene. Frequent cleaning with cold water, or to wipe a napkin moistened, if you don't have a home.

Old recipes of traditional healers

Therapy hemorrhoids long time, including the traditional methods. Healers have mastered a number of recipes before the advent of traditional medicine still use them. The risk reduction it is desirable to consult at the proctologist. Be especially careful if you are bleeding. The traditional methods for 5-7 days.

Many recipes allow you to select the appropriate option, different patients. Therapy, folk medicine is often used:

  • cones of potatoes. Effective, easy to use. Fresh potatoes to the anus at night, the outer cover of the skin apricot oil;
  • the onion. The drug's effect on onions, and the juice. Recommended to drink 1 tsp 3 times/day;
  • apples, carrots, grapes to eat raw;
  • swallowing cloves of garlic, I don't have to clean up. The garlic is not absorbed completely, only coming out with the stool. Because it affects the bowel, provoke damage to tissues, with the aim of a speedy recovery;
  • serum. Will be 200-400 ml of 1 times a day;
  • cabbage. We recommend that you use when bleeding the hemorrhoids. Recommended to enrich the diet of this vegetable or drinking 400 ml of brine after the starter.
means that the potency of

Sitz bath

People are many recipes for sitz bath. The most effective and popular are the various:

  • the bath a few to a soup, onions, milk. The bank is the thickness of the walls (preferably clay) is poured into 0.5 liters of milk, then add the 4 bulbs. The mixture is set on a slow fire, covered with a lid. Before using prescription bowel should be cleaned with a standard enema. After preparation should be steamed area hemorrhoids, hold over a bowl. This recipe can cure the internal hemorrhoids 7 to 10 days;
  • the cold bath. In a container filled with 1 liter of water, be it cold, but not frozen. Need to tub is sitting in. Duration – 1-5 minutes. To perform reception, the bath should be 2 times a day after or before going to bed, for 5-7 days. To improve therapeutic properties, you can add some manganese to the solution pink.
  • tincture medical is only valid if the external form of the disease. With the help of the plant prepare the bath sedentary use within 7 days. The procedure takes 10 minutes.

By increasing, hemorrhoids, and the inability to reduce it, more for my own breakthrough. To improve the use of the package on the basis of oat, bran. The biggest advantage when using the hot. If the buds break, they for each other cream the tannin to the liquid.

To prevent the negative effects of the disease must be timely treatment can help restore the healthy, potency, and to prevent the psychological trauma.

About how to treat hemorrhoids at home

Try to get rid of hemorrhoids at home yourself? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article – the victory is not on your side. Of course, you know what:

  • again, to see blood on the paper;
  • In the morning he wakes up to the thought of how to reduce swollen bumps;
  • to suffer all the way to the toilet, the discomfort, itching or an unpleasant burning sensation;
  • again and again, to hope for success, I'm waiting with impatience the results and nervous about the new drug ineffective.